Monday, March 16, 2015

The story of a boy called Finch and a girl named Violet.

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. 

"When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school—six stories above the ground—it's unclear who saves whom. And when the unlikely pair teams up on a class project to discover the "natural wonders" of their state, they go, as Finch says, where the road takes them: the grand, the small, the bizarre, the beautiful, the ugly, the surprising—just like life.
Soon it's only with Violet that Finch can be himself—a bold, funny, live-out-loud guy, who's not such a freak after all. And it's only with Finch that Violet forgets to count away the days and starts living them. But as Violet's world grows, Finch's begins to shrink."-

This is Ms. Niven's first Young Adult novel. She has previously written four adult novels: American Blonde, Becoming Clementine, Velva Jean Learns to Fly, and Velva Jean Learns to Drive. She also has written three nonfiction books: The Ice Master, Ada Blackjack, and The Aqua Net Diaries

This is the first novel I have read by Jennifer Niven, and I am highly impressed. This quickly became one of my all time favorites with all its unique quirks and heart wrenching bits. I have read a few other books that are about suicide and mental health, but this is one of the first where I have been able to, in a sense, read it from both POVs. You are able to read and picture how Finch feels, thinks, and speaks; while with Violet you are able to witness the aftermath of what a death does to someone and how they are able to cope. Ms. Niven was able to capture the feelings from both very beautifully. She wrote in her Author's Note about her friend that committed suicide last year, and I feel that by writing this book it helped her in ways some people wouldn't understand. I believe that her feelings and memories of that day and her friend are what made this novel even more beautiful and just that more heart wrenching. This is one book that will work its way into you, tug on your emotions one at a time and all at once, and leave you gasping while wondering just what happens to Violet.

Finch is the main character, while the POV does switch to Violet's throughout the book it always comes back to Finch's in more ways than one. In my opinion Finch is what really gives life (a little irony there) to the book. Some may disagree and that's okay. At times I felt it was Violet but it always came back to Finch for me. His character is just one that will stick with you even after you shut the book. He will also leave you guessing what he will do next as well as begging him not to do something. I haven't had a character leave this big of an impression on me in a while and it's definitely refreshing.

I have one complaint though and that is I wish there was a little more light shown on the secondary characters. I would've liked to have known a little more about Amanda and her relationship with Violet, more light shown on Violet and Finch's parents, and small bit on Finch's sisters and their healing process.

I do, however, love the cover art on the paper sleeve. The sticky notes play a huge part with Finch and Violet. I also cant forget the yellow moon and stars on the white hard cover. I highly HIGHLY give praise and kudos to Ms. Niven for putting contact numbers, websites, and sources for suicide prevention, as well as sources and information for abuse, bullying, and survivors. Again I haven't read many books with this in them, so I am glad to see that. 

Would I recommend this book: Yes!!!
Star rating (1-5): 5 Stars.
Quotes marked: 16
Time it took to finish: 4 days as I refused to read the ending.

I just want to say a quick thanks to my really good friends Rachel Howard and Mary Scott for being awesome and proofreading this =).


  1. I just read this book a couple weeks ago and I too loved it! It was just amazing. I didn't realize how much of an impact it made on me until you mentioned how Finch stays with you even after you shut the book. I remember this morning on my way to work, I was thinking about the book in one of those times where your mind just wanders.

    I think both characters were relate-able to me because I have been on both ends of the POVs in it, though Finch is still my favorite. ;)

    1. Ahhh thank you thank you thank you for the comment ^.^!!!!

      This book is just one of those where you really can't describe it with words, and even when you read you still can't form the right words. It's more along the lines of feeling it with your emotions, and I think that's why it sticks with you.

      I have just discovered that it is in the works to be made into a movie as well o.o. I believe Elle Fanning is supposed to play Violet.
